Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Go Light Your World Smash Page

 My Smash journey continues. Our ministry drama outreach partnered with a local homeless shelter, Dover Interfaith Mission for Housing, to present a mime during the morning service at Trinity Wesleyan Church on Sunday, December 4th. After the presentation, the pastor stood and said, "well, that's the sermon! There's nothing left to be said. We'll now light the second advent  candle. . . " The twelve homeless men who participated in the mime were quite moved. They accomplished something special. They were seen as something other than worthless because they're homeless. My Smash page elements includes a December Diecut ticket from my Cricut Art Philosphy cartridge (I can order that for you if you're interested), a list ticket from the K&Company Entertainment Smash pad, scanned images of the church program cover and a reference scrap highlighting our place in the service. The photos were provided by a Trinity Wesleyan church member (Susan W.).

1 comment:

  1. How WONDERFUL!! It's a beautiful page, Diane! An important memory to document in your smash journal! Thank you for sharing it!...Nancy :o)
